Track Manufacturing Machine Runtime Hours

Have you ever wondered (or needed to know) how many hours are spend running each machine in your manufacturing shop? Turns out, there’s a simple and inexpensive way to find out. It’s called Standard Time®.

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How can know how many hours are logged to each machine in your manufacturing shop? Track the hours with barcodes. Scan barcodes taped to each machine and you’ll find out.

Actually, you’ll find out a whole lot more. Standard Time is an employee time tracking app that uses barcodes. Employees start and stop timers just by scanning. Part of that process could include machines. Those scans will come ripping into your ST dashboards in real-time. You can cut up the data any way you like.

Maybe you want to see just how much time each employee spends at a machine. Or, which jobs ran on which machines. Or, what the average usage per day is. Or month. Any of those scenarios are possible with barcode scanning in Standard Time. Give it a try today!

Don’t know where to get Standard Time? Try Googling us! Or, just go to We’re always here. 🙂