We are barcode time tracking experts! Did you know that? Of course you did!
There are dozens of things you can scan in Standard Time® to aid in project tracking, work order tracking, inventory, expenses, employee tracking, and of course… good old time tracking.
Scroll below the video for a few.
What to know a few things you can scan with a simple barcode scanner? Here are a few to start:
- Username (the employee doing the work)
- Project or work order (so you know what job you’re on)
- Task (so you know what stage or step is currently in progress)
- Qty (so you know how many items are being processed)
- QtyPassed (the items that passed QA)
- Speed (another raw value that leads to OEE KPI calculations)
- Inventory or BOM (scan the whole BOM to deduct every item from inventory)
- Expense template (log the use of certain consumables with just one barcode scan)
Google “Standard Time time tracking” to download and start. It will not disappoint. 🙂