Adding barcodes to your assembly line can tell you where each job is being run. How? By scanning those barcodes when each job is run. In fact, you can collect a lot more information from barcodes. Scroll down below the video for some thoughts.
Assume you use three barcode labels to start each job.
- Employee name
- Work order
- Assembly line
You can derive the following information from just those three labels:
- Where the job is at right now
- If the job is running, or has ended
- How ran the job
- When the job started
- The estimated time elapsed and remaining
- What department has the job
- What assembly line is running the job
- Capacity usage information about the assembly line
- Work In Progress details
That’s a lot of information just from three scans. The product to try is called Standard Time®. You can download and give it a try today!