Managing shop floor employee accounts

How to manage employee accounts in Standard Time. Make adjustments for user rights, experience, barcode scans, QuickBooks integration, Work In Progress, email notifications, timers, hours, logins, and more. Let us know if you have questions!

Scripts Check Values When Scanning Barcodes

Did you know you can use custom scripts to perform checks on employee barcode scans? When shop floor employees scan barcodes while performing manufacturing jobs, your custom scripts can check their values to make sure they are correct. This reduces the number of incorrect scans and incorrect values.

Watch the video below.

Learn how to create scripts that check barcode input values using your own custom business rules.

Is Standard Time an ERP?

ERP or MRP? Or neither?

Standard Time is a hard one to classify. Take a look at the video below to decide for yourself.

You can clearly see that ST has manufacturing jobs, customers, invoicing, tasks, schedules, and just about everything both ERP’s and MRP’s have. So which one is it!

Send us an email and let us know!

Mfg Drawings Attached To Jobs

Follow the steps in this video to attach engineering and manufacturing drawings to jobs in Standard Time. This lets you view drawings when performing the project.

Employees can even pull up drawings with a special barcode scan.