Time Log Chart Dashboard

You’re probably familiar with the Time Logs page in Standard Time, right? It’s that list of barcode scans from the shop floor? Or, the list of hourly entries from employee timesheets?

Yeah, that one!

Well, did you know there’s a nice dashboard that shows time logs on a bar chart. Take a look at the video below, and try it out!

Everything you wanted to know about filtering Standard Time

Filtering Standard Time pages helps you find the information you’re looking for. How so? Without filtering, you’re seeing all records mixed together without categorization or grouping. Some of those records won’t fit the criteria you’re thinking of. They just get in the way, and obscure the ones you’re really trying to find.

How can you remedy that? Filtering!

Simply choose filter (aka search) criteria from the tree at the left. That eliminates rows that don’t fit your search, and shows only those you’re looking for.

Try the filter tree. It’s really handy and nice!