Follow the steps in this video to attach engineering and manufacturing drawings to jobs in Standard Time. This lets you view drawings when performing the project.
Employees can even pull up drawings with a special barcode scan.
A project management blog for manufacturing and engineering
Follow the steps in this video to attach engineering and manufacturing drawings to jobs in Standard Time. This lets you view drawings when performing the project.
Employees can even pull up drawings with a special barcode scan.
Consider allowing Standard Time to manage your job management. You’ll spend less time communicating job status, figuring out where jobs are, and who’s working on them.
Try ST in the cloud!
Learn how the Standard Time timesheet can be used in manufacturing. You probably already know you can scan barcodes on the shop floor, but there is so much more in there.
Office workers can enter time manually into a weekly timesheet. Managers and supervisors can view employee hours in that same weekly timesheet or in a spreadsheet style grid. You can export to Excel, and run scheduled reports on the timesheet data. This little video may give you some inspiration to try this in the office.
Let’s get into shop floor inventory tracking! Got a manufacturing shop? This video is for you. This tells you exactly how to get timestamped records of both time and material usage.
This video is unedited, non-commercialized and authentic. Hope you like it!
I love ice cream! And I love manufacturing!
We hope this cute video will inspire you to try Standard Time to improve your manufacturing shop. Scan barcodes, see WIP on the shop wall, be more efficient. Then reward yourself with some ice cream!
Aw, rats! Forgot again! Employees keep forgetting to scan out of jobs at lunch and the end of the day.
Guess what?
We’ve got a solution for that. This little video may inspire you to enable this really cool capability in Standard Time.
I really thought he was going to miss. I mean the ball looked like it was going right past his racket. What do you think?
Of course, that never happens in business… or in manufacturing. You never miss. Everything you do is perfect. You never mess up. There’s no waste, no inefficiencies, no loss. Same with us! Geez, the world is so great, isn’t it? 🙂
How do you get shop floor job status now? Don’t say, “We just yell across the shop floor over the noise of grinders, CNC’s, plasma, benders, and exhaust fans“. Cuz that’s not an answer, dude.
Some days you just can’t get motivated. Fortunately, your shop-floor software never sleeps.
Let this cute video inspire you to try us. 🙂
Where is my work order? Where is my stuff?
The answer is, right on the factory floor, right on schedule!
The reason you know that is barcode time tracking with Standard Time. You scan jobs as the enter the shop floor, then again as they progress from stage to stage, and finally as they land on the shipping dock floor. So, you know exactly where your “stuff” is!
Watch this whimsical video for some inspiration to get started!