Learn how to start a timer with an RFID tag reader. (scroll down for the video) You can buy a starter kit for about $30 that contains an RFID reader and some cards and tags. That’s all you need to track time with RFID. Check amazon.
Already got RFID readers installed?
Now that everything is in place, you can start and stop a timer in Standard Time® using with just a simple RFID scan. Wave a proximity card in front of the RFID scanner and a timer starts. Wave it again, and the timer stops. Now you’ve got some serious time tracking data to work with.
Every RFID scan in Standard Time includes the following information. Of course the end user doesn’t realize or care that all this is automatically collected. They just wave their card and go on. But you can use this intel to improve manufacturing, assembly lines, or just for employee time and attendance.
What is collected in every RFID tag scan:
- Employee name, and the workgroup they are in
- Timestamps for start and stop times, including the actual hours between those timestamps
- Project the employee is working on
- Task the employee is working on
- Client the project is assigned to
- Billing rates assigned to the employee
- Client cost for the full duration between scans
- Salary cost for the full duration
Seriously? All that is collected in one scan? Yup. Pretty powerful.
What you can report on with RFID scans:
- Total employee hours for a given date range, like last week or last month
- Total project hours for all the projects in your organization
- Total client hours
- Salary and client billable amounts
- Client invoices
Watch the video and try it out.