Project Implications?

I have been in sales and marketing for some time now and I work with Project Managers (PM’s) nearly everyday. It struck me the other day how similar PM’s and sales forces really are. Project Managers are sales people on many levels. Project Managers often have to sell the benefit of an idea to get their teams motivated. Project Managers identify problem areas to avoid, as do sales professionals.

An interesting twist on this is taking the problem a step further and identifying the problems’ implications and consequenses in any given project.  It is one thing to note a specific problem, but if you really want to wake the team up, talk about the implications of that problem in greater detail. Bring up examples of likely scenarios and issues that could arise. By stressing the implications, you will put a magnifying glass on the issue and focus on the ways to avoid that pothole! After all, problems come and go, but the consequences may not.



Define: Resource Allocation

 Resource Allocation: The assignment of project tasks to employees over a specified time frame.

The chart below (taken from Standard Time®) shows an example of tasks allocated to one employee over three months.  The blue bars are correctly allocated time.  Yellow means there are not enough tasks, and red means there are too many.

So what does ‘correctly allocated time’ mean?  It means that a project manager has lined up project tasks for an employee to work on, but has not given too many or too few.  There are ‘just enough’ for the employee to complete in a given time.  The 63 hour week below is as unworkable as the 10 hour week.  Anything within 10% of a 40-hour week works.


Resource Allocation Chart



Advice: Create Layered Products

Project management advice: Create layered products that allow you to release new updates once a month.


I was originally planning to title this post ‘Create foundational products’ and then I quickly realized that the foundation is only the first layer of this strategy.  I’m advocating short, quick releases, in layers.

I’ve found that big, monolithic product releases have several downsides.  They are often riddled with bugs and usability issues, and sometimes require several slipstream releases to resolve all the bad stuff.  Developers bite off more than they can chew, and the product becomes so complex that complete testing is not possible.

Small, frequent releases solve this problem.  With each release, you have the opportunity to fix prior bugs and advance the grand design a little further.  True, you can’t toss out your ‘take over the world’ design in one giant release, but given some patience, you’ll get there.  And the product will be a lot more solid when you finally reach that point.

Start with a simple foundation.  It probably won’t have all the features customers are screaming for, but it gets you started.  Follow up with several small releases that fill in the gap.  Listen to beta users and customers, and build the grand design with their input.  Trust me, you’ll be a lot better off in the end.



Raising the Flag the Marine Corps Way

I picked up a neat little business management book named “Semper Fi, Business Leadership the Marine Corps Way.”  The web address is below, in case you’d like to check it out.

The philosophy of the book is to run your business like the Marine Corps.  Does that mean scream bloody murder into the faces of your new recruits?  Only if they need it.  🙂  No, it simply outlines the Marine Corps way of running its operation and the parallels to business management.  Here’s a quote from the book.

In Officer Candidate School, there is a famous exercise in which the prospective officers are given the assignment of raising a flag pole so that it meets a number of detailed specifications.  It is assumed in the exercise that the officer has one sergeant and two privates to assist him.  The instructors are constantly amazed at the ingenuity of the trainees, who have come up with a thousand and one ways to erect that flagpole.  What the instructors are looking for, however, is a much simpler answer: “Tell the sergeant to raise the flagpole and walk away.”

The point of the exersize is to delegate to subordinates.  The sergeant can figure out the details on his own.  And, if they are very detailed, he can present his plan to the officer before proceeding.  This leaves the sergeant to get the job done, and the officer free to strategize the next steps.  Everyone has his job to do, and things move efficiently.



How To: Create a Milestone in Microsoft Project

Milestones are a necessary element of project planning.  They let you stop and evaluate.  Have the objectives been met so far?  Is everything ready to proceed to the next step?  If so, we have achieved a milestone event, and the next phase can begin.  Here’s how to create a milestone in Microsoft Project.

Start by creating three tasks.  Notice that the third task is a zero-duration task.  That is considered a milestone in MS Project.  We’ll be linking into this task so that it gets pushed out if any other tasks go longer than anticipated.

Milestone Task in MS Project


Select tasks to link them.  CLick in the selection column to select an entire row, then Ctrl+Click in another row.  Click the Link button to link them.

Selected Tasks


Link and move some to illustrate the milestone.  Here we see both tasks linked into the milestone.  If either task is delayed, the milestone will be pushed out.  When the milestone date arrives, you should evaluate your project to make sure it is on track.  Then you can proceed to the next phase.

Linked Tasks

Pathological Project Disease

Nothing slows a project team quite as well as a pathological scenario or a person focused on that scenario. There is a huge chasm between the due diligence of “what if” questions that are likely possibilities worthy of consideration and the terminal scenarios that will, more than likely, never happen. The goal as a Project Team leader, or any manager for that matter, is to quickly separate the two and move on with the real issues. Too often, equal time and weight is given to both scenarios.

In fact, that nearly happened to me this week. I spent about 2 hours in a meeting discussing various topics and questions when a pathological expounder forced the whole group to spend 20 minutes on a crazy “what if” scenario. This leads to critical slow downs and ultimately analysis paralysis. I was lucky  to defuse this situation before it ate up the whole meeting. 

So, the next time someone asks a “what if” question, ask a few of your own. How likely is this? What is the foundation for the question and what is the impact? By asking these simple questions you will force the person to evaluate their questions more clearly which removes the emotion and fear that typically drive these issues. Now, you have given logic a chance, which gives your projects better focus and makes them more likely to succeed. Any questions? 



Advice: Track Project Time

Project management advice: Track your project time.

Organizations perform projects for a lot of reasons.  Consulting companies perform the same projects (often with small changes) for every customer.  Manufacturing and engineering companies build things, requiring complex engineering projects.  Government organizations perform IT and data processing projects.  Every one of these can benefit from tracking project time.

Whether you use a timesheet or computer-based timer, tracking your time provides several advantages.  Some managers have no real idea how long their projects take.  They have a gut-feeling, but no hard numbers.  And trusting your gut only works when steeped in actual numbers from the field.

No more guessing
WIth actual numbers behind you, there’s no need to guess.  You have the hard facts, and they cannot be disputed.

Accurate finish dates
Assuming you have have performed a similar project in the past, setting a finish date will be a no-brainer.  You’ll have details to back up your outrageously long schedules.

Concise records
This is crucial for consulting companies.  Client billing depends on accurate numbers to back up your invoices.  But manufacturing and engineering groups also need good records to back up their project cycles.  In the end, clients and managers want to know what you have been up to.



Scrum Burn-Down

Have you ever used a scrum burn-down chart?  Funky name, huh?  It’s actually a pretty handy line chart.  The image below is an example from Standard Time®.  There, it’s called a project history chart. On the X axis, you see time (weeks, months, quarters).  On the Y axis (vertical) you see the number of remaining hours for your project.  As work is applied to the project, it burns remaining hours down to zero.  Team members can see the downward trend and predict when the project will finish.  This is the “light at the end of the tunnel” chart that helps people push for completion.  Show this in your scrum sprint meetings, and your team members will take heart.   Scrum Burn-Down Chart  As you can see, there are some up-ticks as well.  Those represent project scope changes.  Some bright individual decided the project needed a slowdown, and added some additional tasks.  Do that at your own peril, because this chart shows all. –ray

What’s In It For Me?

Something finally occurred to this week.  People care (mostly) for themselves.  I’ve been observing some people recently, and have noted their project participation.  When there’s something in a project for them personally, they go gangbusters to finish it.  And when there’s nothing, they lose interest and quit.  At least, mentally that is.  Be it financial gain, or street cred, or just looking good.  There must be something in it for them.

I may be a little slow, but I had never really studied this aspect of human behavior.  I just thought people worked hard for their company and that was that.  Not so.  They work strictly for themselves.  And now that I look back on my career, I see the same pattern.  My own career was carefully crafted to climb the ladder of success.  If a project didn’t fit that model, I found a way out.  If it did, I worked it for all I was worth.  I wasn’t greedy with my time, but eventually gravitated toward projects that benefited me.  That’s not selfish, it’s just natural.

Knowing that gives me something to work with.  It means I must find ways to help people succeed in the projects I expect their help with.  I must find a clear benefit for each team member.  If there’s nothing in it for them, I should expect them to grow disinterested and mentally quit.  Sounds like a real challenge!



Advice: Have a Project Champion

Project management advice: Every project needs a champion.

It took me a while to understand the nature of product development and the need for project champions.  At the beginning of my career, I believed projects just “got developed.”  I was working in a research department at Eastman Kodak Company, building cutting edge photocopiers.  Engineers buzzed around, building microprocessor-based circuits, image-enhancing emulsion, and writing software.  I did my part and just expected the product to come together.  Looking back, I now realize there was one man who made it all happen: a gray-bearded old dude who wanted to change the industry.

Products get developed, and projects finished, only when there is someone with the burning desire to see it happen – like the old bearded dude in the example above.  A paycheck is not enough.  You have to want it badly.  Only then will you fight through all the obstacles to make it happen.  Projects often take 2-3 times their original estimates, and some required several iterations to realize the full glory.  And only a true champion will endure the suffering to see it to completion.

Look around at your project.  Do you have a champion?  A person who refuses to give up?  If not, you have good reason to fear that the project could be canceled or back-burnered.  Have you personally ever been a project champion?  If not, give it a try.  Throw yourself into something that really engages your passions.  You’ll find there’s satisfaction in a job well done.

